Delivery Integration

  • We partner with Deliverect, who provide a food delivery aggregator service that connects to leading 3rd party food delivery companies, like: UberEats, Deliveroo, EasyEats, GrubHub and more
  • We can integrate directly with UberEats, Deliveroo, EasyEats to analyse post-delivery incidences and payment reconciliation
  • ROS can connect with your own-brand delivery system, your on-line ordering ecommerce store, your in-store pickup service
  • Our data analytics can be customised to help you identify margins and profitably across these multiple sales channels. And help managers pin-point wastage and inefficient sales channels. Our analytics will allow you to improve your multi-channel sales offerings, so you can drive up profitability
  • We shining a light on payment discrepancy between you and your delivery companies
  • Our payment reconciliation connects with the main food delivery companies and pulls down all your restaurant orders, we then analysis customer amendments, cancelations, delays and complaints
  • On a weekly and monthly report we show delivery companies performance. This report evaluates which food delivery company is giving you better quality KPIs and help you negotiate commission rates.